Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fear the Swarm

Deck: The Meek Shall Inherit

I was sent with an interesting quest: To summon 40 minions that were low-mana cost. I played with my normal minion armies, but this didn't help me get too many, so I decided to assemble an army of just low-mana cost minions. I knew that I would probably not win too many matches, but my quest didn't require me to win, just summon.
I came across a mage and rolled my eyes, knowing that she would just use her powerful AoE attacks to destroy any minions on the board. But I attacked with my onslaught anyway. I began with a knife juggler, hoping that he would do significant damage with all of the other minions I summoned, but he was soon killed. In the spell that the mage used to kill that one minion, however, my minions grew exponentially every round. Each turn I played more, Life Tapping myself to get more in reserve. The time came when the mage used an arcane explosion to kill off an entire board, but I just kept playing. Even her Frost Armor spell wasn't enough just out of the sheer numbers of enemies.
I had only got her down by 8 or 9 hitpoints when I had seven minions on the battlefield, and was wondering how everything was going to play out, when to my astonishment, the mage conceded the victory to me!
Truly, fear is a factor of battle. I look forward to the day when I have a murloc army to try this type of battle out again.

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